A Virtual Tour of Transport Training Services’ Nutts Corner Transport & Automotive Training Centre
View a virtual tour of our Nutts Corner transport & automotive training centre, complete with light and heavy vehicle maintenance and repair workshops, body repair and paint workshop and paint oven, classrooms, and computer suites.
It was well worth every bit of training; I’m happy to have my licence!
Tamzin McNeilly, talks through the process of getting qualified as a Large Goods Vehicle Driver with TTS and explains how she now puts her driving skills into practice in her every day job as an HGV Technician at TBF Thompson (DAF Trucks).
Partner with TTS for Transport & Automotive Apprentices
Watch this video to find out what our apprenticeship employer partners think of TTS as an apprenticeship training provider. Apprentices are key to protecting the future transport and automotive workforce in Northern Ireland . Growing your own technicians through apprenticeships is proven to protect the future labour pool and reduces long-term recruitment and training costs. Get started on securing your future talent today.
TTS Apprentice Employer Case Study – J & F Trucks & Vans
J&F Trucks & Vans is a long-established family business based in Mallusk. County Antrim, providing quality used vans & commercial vehicles. TTS has trained three generations of the J&F family. John Joe Junior is currently completing his heavy vehicle technician apprenticeship to learn the ropes so he can follow in his dad and grandad’s footsteps, alongside his friend since P1, Jude Stewart. TTS was delighted to have the opportunity to speak to the three generations of the Walsh family – Frank, John Joe and John Joe Junior – about the J&F business and their experiences of partnering with TTS as an apprenticeship training provider.
Introducing Women in Wheels NI
Females are highly underrepresented in the automotive, transport and logistics industries. We want to change that! Through Women in Wheels NI we are highlighting females that work in the transport, logistics and automotive sectors in the hope that we can break down some of the misconceptions about a woman’s role in these sectors and to inspire the next generation of young women to consider transport and automotive as a viable and exciting career option. To find out more about these women driving change in the transport and automotive sectors in NI, check out the Women in Wheels NI Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/womeninwheelsNI
Play Video Women Driving Change Event March 2022 (Women in Wheels NI)
Transport Training Services hosted the first ever Women in Wheels NI event on Sunday 6th March to coincide with International Women’s Day. The event called ‘Women Driving Change’ offered females of all ages from across Northern Ireland the opportunity to find out about the wide range of career opportunities in the automotive and transport/logistics sectors.