TTS Client Feedback

Please complete this form to provide us with your views on the training event you have just attended. Your comments will be useful in helping to ensure that training continues to meet identified needs effectively. Please provide any further comments at the end of this form.

"*" indicates required fields

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Pre Course - DId you have clear objectives agreed before attending the course*
Course Objectives - My objectives for attending the course were met*
I will be able to apply what I have learned to my job*

Course Content

Coverage / Content of the subject*
Quality of Materials / Equipment / Handouts / Visual Aids*
Appropriate to your needs/the needs of the industry*
Pitched at the right level*
Different delivery techniques used, e.g. use of PowerPoint, Group Discussions, Individual Q&A*

Tutor / Facilitator

Facilitator's experience / knowledge of the subect*
Pace of delivery and flexibility*

Course Administration and Venue

Joining instructions / Pre course administration*
Standard of classroom / vehicle / conference facilities*


I have benefitted from the training course and found it meaningful, interesting and worthwhile?*