An opportunity to learn entrepreneurial and business skills through a variety of activities associated with the purchasing and reselling of a motor vehicle. Any profits made should be donated to a good cause (e.g. local charity, school facilities, purchase of resources, etc.).
Ideal Group Size: 6-8 students per group
Year Group: Year 13 (possible studying business and/or technical subjects)
- Group is allocated a budget by the school (e.g. £1,500). Support/sponsorship can be sought from local businesses.
- Roles are allocated by the students within the group – e.g. CEO, Finance Officer, Purchasing Officer, Marketing Officer, Technical Officer, etc.
- With assistance, students search for a vehicle within their budget, probably from a local Auction house and make a purchase. Participation in an auction adds excitement to the project.
- Vehicle is transported from to TTS for assessment and safekeeping.
- Supervised by school staff, students visit TTS to carry out the necessary servicing, repairs, MOT prep work, and get it ready for resale. Service kit (oil, filters, etc.) and any other necessary parts are paid for from the group’s budget.
- All technical work is supported and supervised by TTS technical staff.
- Vehicle is then returned to the school for final preparation, promotion and resale, probably at auction again.
- Vehicle is resold – hopefully at a healthy profit!
- Review and Evaluation session undertaken.
- School are sent a copy of Risk Assessment in advance of visit.
- TTS to provide all necessary PPE.
- School staff to remain with and closely supervise students at all time.
- All TTS staff are Access NI cleared.
- Workshop sessions can be morning or afternoon.
- Total time of visit(s) – 2-3 hours, depending on the work that needs done on the vehicle.
More information on the Apprenticeship Challenge
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