
As well as being available to attend in-person careers events, we have put together some digital assets which we hope will be useful for schools.

These resources are available for use by schools and youth groups to share with students and young people to provide information about career options in the transport and automotive sectors. Although they are suitable for any age group, the primary audience is GCSE pupils.  Click here to download the resources.

You will find the following at the link:

  • A PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of careers in the transport and automotive sector (if you run the PowerPoint in presenter mode a voiceover and slide transition timings have been pre-recorded)
  • A TTS prospectus giving information about transport and automotive apprenticeships
  • An information flyer about ‘Women in Wheels NI’, an initiative that has been launched to promote career options in transport and automotive to females
  • If we have any upcoming apprenticeship events, we will also include informational literature.

Further information can be found on the Resources for Schools section of our website or on the Student Information pages here.

We hope these resources will be useful as part of your school’s careers education curriculum.   If we can be of any further assistance either now or in the near future, or you are holding an event that you would like us to attend, please do not hesitate to contact Robert Deignan on Tel: 07736958355 or by e-mail at robertd@transporttraining.org.