About Transport Training Services

Who we are

Transport Training Services is the training delivery arm of the charity the Transport Training Board. The social enterprise focuses on apprenticeships and career development training specifically for the retail motor trade, transport and logistics sectors in Northern Ireland. Backed by over 50 years’ experience as a leading, recognised transport training service provider, our advice is sought after and trusted around the UK and Ireland.

Since the late 1960s as Road Transport Industry Training Board and then since 1992 as Transport Training Services, TTS has supported the development of the transport and motor industries most important resource – its people. These industry sectors have changed over the years and continue to evolve at an ever-increasing rate with advances in technology and the ever-changing business environment. TTS is here to help industry and the people employed in those sectors to meet the current and future challenges by delivering the relevant skills, knowledge and qualifications.

Why we exist

Collectively it is TTB and TTS’s ambition to provide a life-cycle development pathway, for aspiring and experienced professionals, through the automotive, transport and logistics industries.

We are committed to securing the development of the future workforce in these sectors. This commitment extends to providing career opportunities for young people in Northern Ireland, and offering professionals the best programs to improve their career prospects.

About TTS

Our Aims

  • To be a champion of the Automotive, Transport and Logistics Industries; attracting new and returning talent into the sectors
  • To be the number one choice of Transport and Automotive Employers in Northern Ireland, including those within the agriculture sector, for the training and development of their apprentices
  • To be at the forefront of the development of training in new vehicle technologies e.g. Hydrogen, Electric and Hybrid energy systems
  • To be the preferred partner of Automotive, Transport and Logistics Associations for the delivery of their classroom-based development programmes in Northern Ireland
  • To be the first choice of Automotive, Transport and Logistics organisations for the delivery of compliance training leading to certification
  • To be viewed as best in class for the delivery of Large Goods Vehicle and Passenger Service Vehicle Driver Development Training
  • To be a one-stop-shop for the driver development needs for Northern Ireland’s Public Sector, Emergency Services and Voluntary Agencies
  • To be acknowledged by all of our stakeholders as an organisation which is supported by transparent, rigorous and ethical governance structures, policies and processes
  • To be recognised by our tenants as a conscientious landlord, supporting them in their pursuit of business success by providing them with a fit for purpose business estate
  • To realise our ambition to provide incubator space, within our estate, for innovation within the Automotive, Transport and Logistics industries
  • To be the employer of choice for those in the Automotive, Transport and Logistics industries that have a passion for the development of those industries and the professionals that work within them
  • To enable the development of good practice in training for the Automotive, Transport and Logistics sectors by providing seed funding

What we do

We offer accredited courses and bespoke training to develop talent for businesses and for career-driven individuals. Our focus is never simply on passing exams, but on providing class-leading expertise, purpose-built facilities and modern teaching methods to deliver relevant skills for the 21st century.

As a wholly owned subsidiary of the registered charity, Transport Training Board for Northern Ireland, TTS has a genuine, longstanding interest in facilitating best practice and the highest levels of compliance for the industries that we serve.

We also seek to provide any automotive or transport industry related professional organisation with a ‘bricks and mortar’ home in Northern Ireland


Meet the team behind TTS